2011-2012 Field Guide Training Plan

- 12.08.2011: dernier jour de travail / last day at work- 30.08.2011: rendre les clefs de l'appartement / give back the flat's keys- 05.09.2011: 22h45, décollage pour l'afrique du sud / take off for South Africa- 15.09.2011: début du cours "professional field guide" chez Ecotraining / Beginning of the field guide training
15.9.11: 9h30 pickup at the Emerald B&B in Joburg (Kempton Park)

15.-17.9.11      Old Vic travellers inn, Nelspruit, administration
- 17.9.11: 11h00 transfer to Selati 
17-23.9.11       Basic birding
24.9-20.10.11  EcoTraining Field Guide Level 1
- 20.10.11 11h00 transfer to Karongwe
20.10-4.11.11  EcoTraining Field Guide Level 1 additional training
4.-10.11.11      Animal Tracks and Tracking
- 10.11.11 9h00 TIME OFF until 15.11.2011
- 16.11.11        Travel back to Selati
16.-21.11.11    Telemetry and 4WD
22.-27.11.11    Navigation and orientation
29.11-1.12.11  Wilderness medicine level 1 and 2
2.-6.12.11        FGASA Field Guide Level 1 - exams and assessments
- 7.12.11          Transfer to Makuleke
7.-12.12.11      Advanced Rifle handling
- 13.12.11        TIME OFF until 5.1.2012
- 6.1.2012        Travel to Mashatu
6.1-2.2.12        Trails Guide course - FGASA exams
- 3.2.2012        OFF TIME until 08.2.2012
- 8.2.2012      Travel to Hoedspruit
13.2-5.7.12      Lodge placement
- 6.7.2012        Travel to Makuleke
6-11.7.2012     Advanced Birding
- 12.7.12 9h00 Transfer to Mashatu
12.-15.7.12      Consolidation
16.-17.7.12      Graduation
18.7.12             Transfer back to Joburg !

- 30.07.2012: fin du cours, tête pleine, recherche d'un travail ou d'un lodge ... / End of the training, the head full of memories, what do I do now ?- 30.08.2012: retour en suisse pour cause de visa, et si tout va bien redécollage immédiat ! Fly back to Switzerland for visa purposes and then ......