Bon petit déjeuner avec thé et café ... chaud !!!!
Nous apprenons la triste nouvelle, ce soir c'est camping ! Et nous avons de la chance, il n'y a plus qu'une place de libre ! Nous allons à notre place de camping de luxe ! Il y a 5 places en tout, et chacune à sa propre maisonnette sanitaire, aussi grande que mon salon ! Chaque emplacement est bien éloigné l'un de l'autre ... bref il ne manque plus qu'une température de plus de 10 degrés !! Nous partons en drive, dans la "vraie" réserve de la propriété. Des Oryxes, des vautours (léopards et à dos blanc), des red hartebeest, gnous et compagnie, tout va bien !
Ce soir nous ouvrons les tentes de camping .... sortons les matelas et nous installons dans notre maison sanitaire ! Il n'y pas question de dormir dehors ! On risquerait de geler ! Nous soupons, les doigts gèlent, nous restons autour du feux, mais pas longtemps. Tous au lit !
What a good sleep ! This morning I wake up at 6am and go for a cheetah greeting walk. The air is fresh, quite cold, I walk up the dunes near the bungalows to see the view they enjoy, view over a small water hole, nice ! The lodge's staff is on their way to work, girls wearin dresses with bare legs are freezing ... me too I'm wearing all my clothes at once, and I could have a jacket more on ! I check my watch ...... minus 2 degrees ...... brrrrr I feel even colder now that I know !!
Nice breakfast with tea or coffee ... hot ! After asking at the front desk, it's confirmed, tonight is camping night ! And we are lucky because they only have 1 camping spot left ! So we are going to our fancy camping spot ! There are 5 spaces in all, each one has it's own sanitary house ! which is bigger than my lounge at home ! Each spot is quite away from the other ones, well we don't miss anything but maybe a temperature above 10 degrees ... We are going for a drive in the "real" reserve, oryxes, vultures (leopards headed and white backed) red hartebeest, wildebeest and all their friends, very nice !
Tonight we open the tents on the roof, take out the mattresses and install them in the toilets ! We will definitively not sleep outside, it's too cold ! we may freeze in our sleeping bags ! We are eating supper with frozen fingers, even around the fire it's too cold !
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